Tip #751: When only some views fail

Square wheel fail

Symptom Users can freely access entity records in some views but not the others – instead they receive the following error: You do not have permission to access these records. Contact your Microsoft Dynamics CRM administrator. Solution Check that the views that generate “access denied” error do not include fields from the parent entity users […]

Tip #750: Better diagnostics for CRM for Outlook

Ultimate diagnostics tool

CRM for Outlook is one of the main components driving the adoption of Microsoft Dynamics CRM365. But it could be temperamental at times. SaRA, Office 365 Support and Recovery Assistant, that we mentioned previously, has been greatly enhanced and now includes the following features: Verifying CRM for Outlook is the same major version as your […]

Tip #746: Bring in the specialist

Workflow auto bringing the specialist

Washing car on weekend is something that everyone can do on their own. Probably. But if some serious cleanup is required, one’s better off calling Mr Wolf. Same goes for complicated cases in customer service. If you run a secure shop that deals with the cases that include sensitive or personal identifiable information, then security […]

Tip #740: How to flush cache in portal

Repair computer

If you are still trying to refresh your portal metadata using cache invalidation handle https://nottherealportal.microsoftcrmportals.com/Cache.axd?Message=InvalidateAll, stop it. The caching invalidation mechanism significantly changed and the legacy methods are no longer appropriate or supported. Instead, remember the advice you gave your auntie when her computer was slow? That’s right, turn it off and then back on. […]

Tip #736: Add variables to your workflows

Workflows rule. They can wait until there is $10,000,000 in your bank account or forever (whichever happens first), they can update records, send emails and synchronously move mountains (subject to the 2 minutes timeout, and only if the mountain is referenced by a DNS-resolvable name). They can be quite complicated and often won’t fit on […]

Tip #735: You can now use timezone in your appointments

Strangest timezones

Sometimes it’s ridiculously trivial bugs that get in the way of implementing great functionality. Luckily, sometimes they get fixed. Gustaf “Surströmming” Westerlund reports from the field. In earlier versions of CRM (I have tested it in CRM 2013 SP1) if you added a whole number field on appointment and formatted it as a timezone, you […]