Tip #733: Using Dynamics CRM Feedback Entity

Grumpy cat feedback

The 2016 Spring update for both Online and On-Premises, introduced the ability to capture Feedback on different entities in your CRM deployment. In this video we demonstrate what the Feedback entity is used for, and walk you through setup and configuration. Give us your feedback, all of it: good, bad, and ugly, I’m sure we […]

Tip #732: Knowledge Management is disabled for custom entities

Knowledge not found

When creating new entity, follow step-by-step instructions and you’ll be fine. Except if you want to enable the entity for Knowledge Management later on, you’ll find the relevant checkbox disabled. What the? To work around this behavior (that looks suspiciously like a bug), open Settings > Service Management > Embedded Knowledge Search, check the box […]

Tip #731: Hide and protect your custom CRM API

Protect yourself by covering

Yesterday we illustrated how you can wrap some server-side functionality as a custom API to be consumed by the developers. One of the undesired side effects is that business can now poke their nose into the API when building workflow processes: If your API is a smoking gun and you don’t want business to accidentally […]

Tip #730: Turn your CRM into API machine

Locked black box

When people ask me to describe the differences between custom workflow activities and custom actions, I always use the following definitions: Custom workflow activities. A functional blackbox created by the developers to be consumed by the business Custom activity. A functional blackbox created by the business to be consumed by the developers There is more […]

Tip #728: Install CRM for Outlook using SCCM

Complicated control panel

When questions come all the way from Gustaf “Surströmming” Westerlund, some people including Gayan “Performance Wizard” Perera cannot keep still. Question According to Deployment and Administration Guide, it is not supported to install CRM for Outlook using System Center Configuration Manager for CRM Online or CRM 2016. Gayan’s SCCM Ultimate Guide We’ve used SCCM to […]

Tip #723: Using Related Data in Dynamics CRM Document Templates

DNA Replication

Here we expand on the use of Document Templates in CRM 2016. We look at the different options available for including related data, talk about some of the limitations, and finally walk though how to create a template that uses data from different related records. (both parent and child) Give us your feedback, all of […]

Tip #722: Add the number to your phone call records

Women Telephone Operators at Work

I cannot believe I’m writing an old tip from Gus “Niels Bohr” Gonzalez but it’s a suprisingly good one. When you create a phone call record in CRM, all information is right there, including who to call and what number to dial. Only one problem – CRM does not pop up reminders, that’s Outlook’s job. […]