Tip #1069: Dynamics 365 for Marketing Preview is available

Sneak peek kitten

The shroud of NDA secrecy around Dynamics 365 for Marketing has been lifted and you can now watch Introduction to Dynamics 365 for Marketing. EDIT 08-Feb-2018 Official announcement is available as a post by Kishan Chetan, Principal PM Manager, Dynamics 365 for Marketing. Tired of reading? You can now listen to Steve “Mr SMB” Mordue […]

Tip #1066: Discover Azure AD tenant ID with Occam’s razor

Occam's razor

As developers, from time to time we are puzzled by simple questions: How to discover Azure AD tenant ID based on Dynamics 365 organization URL? Under the normal circumstances I would have put my condescending hat on (did I forget to take it off, again?) and say something like “Use AuthenticationParameters.CreateFromResourceUrlAsync method from ADAL, of […]

Tip #1065: How to get clean Customer Service trial


When Neil “Agile” Benson installed a new Customer Service trial, he got more than he bargained for: Trial Site Map Customization, FreeTrialBaseSolution2, Trial for Field Service, Trial of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Project Service Automation, etc. And he didn’t select or want Field Service or Project Service Automation apps added either. Why does the trial […]

Tip #1044: Display lookups as hyperlinks in portal entity list

Portal gun

Entity lists in the Dynamics 365 portals do not have any special handling for the lookups – they just render the display names. Fair enough, after all, how is the rendering code supposed to know what page to link to? If you are comfortable with liquid in portals then the task is relatively easy. Just […]

Tip #1042: New trial sign up options for Customer Engagement

Coffee choice

We are one whining bunch. We said that 30-days trials are not long enough. Then we said that 30-days trials are not short enough. Microsoft did listen and now we have some new sign up options. Today Microsoft has released a new Customer Engagement trial sign up service for Microsoft Employees and Partners. You can now […]

Tip #1038: Keep frequent notifications to the business hours


Nagging is a very effective way to get urgent things done. For example, if signature is required, keep sending email reminders every hour until it’s acquired. One of the customers successfully mastered the technique of a recurring self-calling workflow and has been successfully firing emails left and right reminding good people of the outstanding work […]

Tip #1037: Modify data source for Word templates like a boss


Word templates are not the most flexible templating solution for Dynamics 365 but for the simplistic scenarios it does work well, and is quite fast. Built-in templates are used to be notoriously difficult to modify. Not anymore, thanks to the Document Template Manager from Jim Novak. Now that we can modify the content itself, how about […]