Tip #101: Can you transate this please?

So just how many languages does Microsoft Dynamics CRM speak?  Is it 10, 15 or maybe 25?  Dynamics CRM speaks a whopping 41 languages.  It’s a translating machine. Chinese (Hong Kong), Chinese (PRC), Chinese (Taiwan), Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (International), Basque, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Estonian, Galician, Hindi, Kazakh, […]

Tip #84: What a difference a date makes

At Convergence 2014, the tipsters participated in some “Ask the MVP” sessions. There were many great questions, but one question kept coming up time and time again, no matter whether the session was for administrators or developers. That’s right: how to deal with timezones when date-only field is used. Since our tipping truck is a […]

Tip #55: How to make your time control look nice on BPF ribbon

Wrapped time control on BPF ribbon

If you have a date/time attribute as part of your Business Process Flow, you may notice that the time dropdown does not quite fit on BPF ribbon: Currently there is no solution to the problem, but there is a simple workaround: change your personal time format to a 24 hours format. Click on the Settings […]