Tip #149: If you are missing the “Service Management” link after upgrading to SP1

After your Dynamics CRM 2013 organization is upgraded to SP1/Spring ’14 update, and you install product updates in the Settings–>Administration area, you should see a new link called “Service Management” in the Settings area. If you don’t see this link after you install the product updates, clear your browser cache or click CTRL+F5 If after […]

Tip #147: If it’s something weird and it don’t look good

Technology is a temperamental mistress and, from time to time, things may not go quite as planned, and that includes CRM Online. Good news that even basic CRM Online subscription includes reasonable level of support. What is the quickest way to reach for help when you need it? To start with, download Microsoft Dynamics CRM […]

Tip #146: Geo-restrictions for your CRM

One of our customers challenged us with a very specific requirement to limit access to their CRM to the users located in Australia. It’s always good to remember that CRM application server is a very sophisticated but a web site nevertheless and for a web site, we can use ipSecurity element in web.config that defines […]

Tip #144: Restrict AD browsing when adding new users

If you are a hosting provider or a security-conscious administrator managing multiple CRM deployments then you’d like to avoid exposing entire Active Directory when user with appropriate permissions clicks New Multiple Users and then opts to browse all trusted domains and groups. There are some unsupported methods as well as supported C# code to achieve […]

Tip #143: 10 Ways to Free Storage Space in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online

CRM Online Storage Space Warning

If you get the eerie email warning you that you have reached 80% of the storage available for your CRM Online instance don’t panic. You have several options. One way to go is to buy an additional 1GB of storage for $9/month. The other alternative is to trim some of your existing use of the storage […]

Tip #136: OnPremise Orgs I hope you are under SA

Like most software companies Microsoft is a strong enthusiast of annual maintenance fees. In the Microsoft world it is known as Software Assurance. In the Fall (or so) when the next major version of CRM is released (think V7.0) operating systems and other remnants from the previous decade will no longer supported. You can kiss just […]

Tip #135: What to check if on-disk plugin registration fails

Registering plugin on disk has its benefits but can be tricky business. Plugin registration tool that comes with SDK is very coy about the errors and display the following message (in the log section of the form): ERROR: Occurred while checking whether the assembly exists You can opt to see more details about fault exception […]

Tip #126: Removing an entity from “Quick Create”

One of the new features of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 is the ability to use Quick Create: The Quick Create menu contains multiple entities out of the box but you can remove an entity the organization is not using by following these 3 simple steps – we will remove the “Competitor” entity in this example: 1. Navigate […]

Tip #118: Prevent users from seeing script errors

You have completed your CRM configuration, you have tested your forms, everything is working great, and users are now “live” in the system. Even if everything is as perfect as possible, users may occasionally see some random script errors. Like any web application, a number of different factors can conspire to occasionally create an error […]