Tip #93: When to cancel workflow

When a workflow needs to be stopped, workflow editor offers two choices: Succeeded and Canceled. The main difference is that Canceled status is considered to be an error which has the following implications: Log records are retained (if flag is set to retain logs for failed workflows). For real-time workflows the transaction the workflow is […]

Tip #84: What a difference a date makes

At Convergence 2014, the tipsters participated in some “Ask the MVP” sessions. There were many great questions, but one question kept coming up time and time again, no matter whether the session was for administrators or developers. That’s right: how to deal with timezones when date-only field is used. Since our tipping truck is a […]

Tip #72: Granular notifications for end users

Granular validation of multiple fields

Today’s tip was supposed to be called “Why it’s very important to keep your SDK up to date” but instead I named it after the updated functionality that was added to CRM Online, released for onpremises in UR1 and documented in the December update of the SDK. Previously, if you wanted to notify user about […]

Tip #68: Do you know this woman?

Annoying prompt to watch the video

I have nothing personal against this woman but the dialog started to annoy me to no extent. The problem is that visibility of the dialog is controlled via cookie so even if you check the box “Don’t show me this again”, you will see it again if you clear your cookies, use another device, or use […]

Tip #66: Error running Transition wizard

Yellow Screen of Death when running Transition wizard

If you have CRM Online orgnanization that still uses Live ID authentication, by now you would have received an email reminder that opens with: Our records show you have not completed the Transition wizard. Completion of the Transition wizard is necessary to move your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online subscription to the Microsoft online services environment. […]

Tip #49: How to increase marketing email open rate

What now, your marketing emails are ignored and trashed without reading? You are not alone then. If you search internets in attempt to increase open rate for your emails, you’ll find plenty of advice, typically in the form of “{Random integer between 4 and 10} tips to improve your open rates“. Tips usually revolve around […]