Tip #571: Unable to publish solution with calculated fields

If you attempt to publish a solution containing an entity with calculated fields, you may receive the following error message: Field foo_calculated cannot be created or updated because field foo_used_in_condition_or_formula contains an additional formula that uses a parent record. The wording is misleading and confusing because field foo_used_in_condition_or_formula is not a calculated field at all. […]

Tip #569: Migrate knowledgebase articles to Interactive Service Hub like a boss

How to migrate KB article

If there is one bonus take away from the yesterday’s tip, it’s existing KB functionality will soon be deprecated so it is advisable to transition to new KB as soon as possible. So people started to ask, how to do that. tl;dr Long version Yes, some assembly is required. Good news, it’s not that difficult. […]

Tip #558: O Mailbox Statistics, Where Art Thou?

Mailbox statistics are not useful on large deployments

Challenge Joel can be such a pain, he always keeps asking some questions no one seems to know the answer for. Like the other day: What are these sync cycle processing records that feed the server side sync performance dashboard? I don’t see them in the system job log. Is there any way to bulk […]

Tip #556: Rumors about Microsoft.Xrm.Client death are exaggerated

Update 18-Nov-2016: Bugs reported have been fixed and there are no compelling reasons (beyond the support of the existing codebase) to continue use of Microsoft.Xrm.Client. One thing you’d notice about Dynamics CRM 2016 SDK is that some of the assemblies has gone MIA. For example, Microsoft.Xrm.Client, a home to some useful developers extensions, including a […]

Tip #555: Check your checksum

I’ve got new laptop – yay! Office 2016 installation would go to 88%, sit there for 20-30 minutes then crash with some streaming error. NOT yay. 3 complete re-installation later I decided to re-download the ISO image. Out of curiosity, compared new download to the old one. Everything looked fine, except the checksum. Meaning my […]

Tip #549: Cannot convert A into A

If you were playing with the uber-administrator’s way to create non-intractive users then you might have seen the following error: Cannot process argument transformation on parameter ‘conn’. Cannot convert the “Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient” value of type “Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient” to type “Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmServiceClient”. Ugh? Say again? Cannot convert “A” to “A”? The other possible error gives away a bit more: […]