Tip #571: Unable to publish solution with calculated fields

If you attempt to publish a solution containing an entity with calculated fields, you may receive the following error message: Field foo_calculated cannot be created or updated because field foo_used_in_condition_or_formula contains an additional formula that uses a parent record. The wording is misleading and confusing because field foo_used_in_condition_or_formula is not a calculated field at all. […]

Tip #514: Multi-entity Quick Find blocks solution uninstall

Select entities for Quick Find

The man himself Tanguy “The XRM Toolbox” Touzard has the podium today: If you are getting the error code -2147089917 while trying to uninstall managed solution and the message reads “[entity] did not have a valid Quickfind query”, verify that the entity is not in the list of entities enabled for multi-entity quick search: Settings […]

Tip #459: Don’t touch that file. Or that one. Or this one.

Do not touch the thermostat

From time to time people complain that, after applying the update rollup X, their CRM deployment suddenly starts spitting out errors. One of the most popular ones is “Parser Error Message: Could not load type ‘Microsoft.Crm.MapOrgEngine’”. They complain here. And here. And here, here, here, and there. And then they give bad advice here. Why […]

Tip #329: Resolve Missing Record Dependencies

The other day after importing a solution into an environment, I started getting error messages when I tried to save a record. The log told me the error was because an entitlement template with ID “2b2ef0de-24b6-e411-80da-fc15b4286d18” did not exist. It seems that somehow my solution had a dependency on this record, and that record didn’t […]

Tip #176: Adminless traceless troubleshooting

No administrators allowed

tl;dr When users are presented with a generic error message, URL in a browser address bar sometimes contain enough details about the error to determine the actual cause. How to fish “An error has occurred.” How wonderful. We all have seen it at one point of our CRM lives or another. Users unable to login, […]

Tip #99: Remember when your certificates expire

I will occasionally get the frantic “CRM is down” call from clients, and for on premises users, one of the most common reasons is expiring SSL certificates. If you just deploy CRM without claims authentication, when your CRM SSL certificate expires, CRM will still work, but users with receive a certificate error. However, if you […]