Tip #155: During the upgrade all your CRM are belong to us

When importing a CRM 2011 organization into CRM 2013 UR2 or SP1 environment, you may receive a cryptic message “Database having version is not supported for upgraded”. As it turns out, it has nothing to do with the version of the database being imported. If you are trying to import an organization database that […]

Tip #151: What happens if you don’t install the SP1 updates?

After your organization is updated to SP1/CRM Online Spring ’14 update, platform enhancements and bug fixes are enabled, but the new customer service features and the new service management area in the Settings menu are not enabled until you go to Settings–>Administration and click “install product updates.” So what if you don’t use Cases and Queues? Do you need […]

Tip #149: If you are missing the “Service Management” link after upgrading to SP1

After your Dynamics CRM 2013 organization is upgraded to SP1/Spring ’14 update, and you install product updates in the Settings–>Administration area, you should see a new link called “Service Management” in the Settings area. If you don’t see this link after you install the product updates, clear your browser cache or click CTRL+F5 If after […]

Tip #146: Geo-restrictions for your CRM

One of our customers challenged us with a very specific requirement to limit access to their CRM to the users located in Australia. It’s always good to remember that CRM application server is a very sophisticated but a web site nevertheless and for a web site, we can use ipSecurity element in web.config that defines […]

Tip #144: Restrict AD browsing when adding new users

If you are a hosting provider or a security-conscious administrator managing multiple CRM deployments then you’d like to avoid exposing entire Active Directory when user with appropriate permissions clicks New Multiple Users and then opts to browse all trusted domains and groups. There are some unsupported methods as well as supported C# code to achieve […]