Tip #1216: New form designer preview is now available in North America

Tatooed arm holding a folder with a sign Be Creative Design

At the end of 2018, Microsoft announced a preview of the new WYSIWYG form designer. This new maker experience looks like the Unified Interface, making form configuration look and feel like it does to end users. Unfortunately for those of us in North America, the preview was not available in our environments. Now it is. […]

Tip #1210: Getting to settings from unified interface

Fine dining table setting from above

One objection to switching to the unified interface is that some users need to access functionality in the settings area (create workflows, manage users, system settings) and we want to have a consistent user experience for all users. With recent updates to the unified interface, you can now easily get to the settings area from […]

Tip #1179: Add a dash of dash to your autonumbering

Salt bae

&tl;dr Jonas “The Shuffler” Rapp reports: when modifying autonumbering for built-in entities like case, always include a dash in the pattern to stop Dynamics 365 from self-combusting. Long story One of the awesome users of the Auto Number Manager for XrmToolBox managed to break the system settings for Auto Numbers in Dynamics 365, so he […]

Tip #1171: You can now configure the Dynamics 365 v9 App for Outlook


In Dynamics 365 version 9, the App for Outlook is an app module. However, when initially released, this app module was not configurable. Microsoft has introduced the ability to filter the entities included in the app module — this means that if you don’t want users to see certain entities in the set regarding dialog, […]

Tip #1130: Refactoring Makes Sense For Configuration Too

If you hang around developers long enough you will hear them use the term “refactoring”. On one project, the developer even had a “Refactor Friday” where this is all they did at the end of the week. So what is refactoring and why should us configuration folks care? Refactoring is taking existing code and reworking […]

Tip #1109: Add variables to your workflow (when Actions don’t work)

Back in Tip #736: Add variables to your workflows, George ‘bringing discipline to the rest of us’ Doubinski suggested the excellent Tip of using an Action to simulate a variable in Workflows. I went to use this Tip this week for a lookup and, to my chagrin, found there is an exception to the Tip. […]