Tip #1364: Customizing opportunity close status reasons

A-side label of "Pictures of Matchstick Men" by Status Quo; UK vinyl release

So you followed tip 1290 and you customized your opportunity close form. Great! But now that you did that, users don’t see all of the win/lose status reasons to select when closing the opportunity. What’s up with that? First thing to remember is that the custom opportunity close is a quick create form for a […]

Tip #1360: Customizing the activity timeline

Timeline of the universe. A representation of the evolution of the universe over 13.77 billion years.

You migrate data to Dynamics 365/Common Data Service and in the migration, you close activities. After the migration, the activity timeline shows the migration account in the top line of every activity. Say you want to have the timeline display something other than the account who closed the task. How do you customize this layout? […]

Tip #1354: UI Flow: Setting document typeface properties

I recently was evaluating using UI Flow RPA to automatically print barcode labels. Using Microsoft Word or Wordpad and a freely available barcode TTF, I passed the barcode value to the document and hit the print button. All worked as expected, except I could not get the flow to properly record selecting the correct font. […]

Tip #1343: Video guide to 2020 Wave 1: Resource utilization analytics in Dynamics 365 Field Service

Person moving chess pieces on the board

Dynamics 365 2020 Wave 1 introduces new Power BI powered visualizations for analyzing your field service resource’s utilization. This dashboard does not require you to have a Power BI license. In today’s video tip, MVP’s Shawn Tabor and Scott Lefante show you the new resource utilization analytics dashboard.