Tip #1333: Video Guide to 2020 Wave 1: Enhanced Email Experience in Dynamics 365

Scrabble letters on a table spelling "email"

The enhanced email experience (originally a preview feature in 2019 Wave 2) allows users to multi-task while they compose emails, navigating to other records while they write an email. This feature can only be turned on in the Sales Hub app, but once you turn it on, it can be used from any model-driven app.

Tip #1330: Video Guide to 2020 Wave 1: New Kanban Visualization in Dynamics 365

Wave 1 2020 introduces a great way to visualize your opportunity pipeline on a kanban board, either by stage or status. In today’s video tip we show you how to configure the kanban visualization and how to use it. Give us your feedback, all of it: good, bad, and ugly, I’m sure we can take […]

Tip #1329: Video Guide to 2020 Wave 1: Adding Images to Knowledge Articles

In today’s video tip, we cover how to add images to knowledge articles in Dynamics 365 in 2020 Wave 1. Traditionally, if you wanted to include images in knowledge articles, you had to host them externally and link to the external image file. Starting with 2019 wave 2, you can enable a setting that allows […]

Tip #1328: Video Guide to 2020 Wave 1: Customize the Case Resolution dialog

I wish we could customize the fields that appear on the case resolution dialog Every D365 Customer Service user ever Dynamics 365 2020 Wave 1 introduces a new setting that lets you use a quick create form instead of the standard dialog for case resolution. This means that you can change the fields that appear […]

Tip #1323: Kill the case customer field

The “Customer” field on cases is a bad idea, and you can’t change it to not-required. I just want to add a lookup to accounts and automatically populate the customer field. Anonymous reader “Meve Stordue” You can’t make the customer field non-required, but it is possible to replace it with an account lookup and automatically […]