Tip #1332: Open forms as a dialogs in model-driven apps

Child reading a pop up book

Today’s tip comes from Eric Regnier. You can send your tips to jar@crmtipoftheday.com. One of the small but awesome new features in 2020 Wave 1 are the modal dialogs. In many implementations, common feedback we hear from customers is around UX with too many clicks or navigation between screens. With this new feature, it enhances […]

Tip #1216: New form designer preview is now available in North America

Tatooed arm holding a folder with a sign Be Creative Design

At the end of 2018, Microsoft announced a preview of the new WYSIWYG form designer. This new maker experience looks like the Unified Interface, making form configuration look and feel like it does to end users. Unfortunately for those of us in North America, the preview was not available in our environments. Now it is. […]

Tip #1164: All your forms are belong to us

Hidden figure

Even some of the battle-forged Business Applications MVPs are not immune and descent into sheer panic when their forms go missing after the upgrade. DON’T PANIC Dynamics 365 upgrades do not delete any forms and while some things may not go as planned, nuking your hard earned customizations is not on the todo list of […]

Tip #1092: Chrome trick to make new field appear in the list


Browsers to Dynamics 365 are like a set of screwdrivers to a random screw. Sometimes you need a Phillips, sometimes – flathead, and on odd occasion HP hex is required. We already covered browsers war in the past but not a day goes by without a new discovery. Consider, for example, today’s training session by […]

Tip #965: Pass Parameters to Quick Create Form

Create together

If additional initialization logic is required when a form is opened, Dynamics 365 offers a choice between setting default field values (easy) and configuring custom parameters (not as easy but straightforward). Quick forms also take parameters when opened. But, as Daryl “Always Raising” LaBar has discovered, sometimes it just does not work. Short version: If […]

Tip #471: What will stop your form from closing

Failed import using business rule

tl;dr Setting data validation error on the form level with Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification call will NOT stop form from closing, setting errors on individual controls with Xrm.Page.getControl(arg).setNotification, on the other hand, will. To achieve even better results, use business rule instead of the javascript. Slightly longer version Friend of mine pinged me to help with the script […]