Mini truck stop. Straight after visiting the CRM facebook group. Ankit Shah: CRM 2013 SP1 – is there a way that we can set the dialogue fields as required? Joel Lindström: Not exactly, but you can trick it with conditional logic. Have a check condition that checks if the field is populated, and if it […]
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Tip #375: Rolling in cash
Mini truck stop. Finally, something exciting to discuss – money! Today’s Roles The Self-Healer: Jerry “I’m still in Kansas” Weinstock For The Affirmative: Mitch “Snapshot” Milam The problem, by Jerry I have two rollup fields on a form – one for decimal and the other for currency – both pulling from the same child entity. […]
Tip #374: NOT IN for the rest of us
Those with black belt in XML are familiar with the technique of building a FetchXML expression for NOT IN clause (e.g. accounts with no activities) and then sneaking that XML into a view definition to create non-editable view that returns the desired results. What about the rest of us who don’t have the skillz or […]
Tip #354: No code contextual sequential auto-number
When you add a child entity, it is best practice to populate the name field, but sometimes it can be difficult to come up with a name that makes sense. Say you have an entity that is the child of an account/company record. If you leave the name field blank, if any record looks up to […]
Tip #328: How rollup fileds make charts better
Ever since charts were introduced in CRM 2011, there has been a limit of 50,000 records that could be aggregated via a chart. This limitation is there for performance reasons, and has been a reason why some users with large data sets have stayed away from using charts. CRM 2015 introduces rollup fields, which automatically […]
Tip #280: Partial Opportunity Products
Welcome back to the Tipping Truckstop. This is where fellow tipping truckies get together to discuss topic du jour and add some collective wisdom to complex and often contentious but always fascinating world of Dynamics CRM. Grab a cup of coffee. Today’s topic is opportunity products in the situations when, uhm, not all your dreams […]
Tip #238: My workflow is my business

Hey, everybody, Larry’s opportunity pipeline this month is again bigger than everyone else’s. Larry, what’s your secret? Larry, being somewhat softened by reasonable quantities of flavored C2H5OH, was more than happy to share his fortunes: It’s all about power of automatic workflows, my friends. See how I automatically increase opportunity value the moment it’s created? […]
Tip #197: Don’t forget the cascading
You implement Microsoft Dynamics CRM and create a custom entity called “Account Review” as a child of the account entity. This entity is part of a sales management account review process. You make the entity relationship parental so that deletions and re-assignments of account records will cascade to related Account Review records. Five years later, when […]
Tip #175: Miscellaneous privileges with multiple access levels

We are all familiar with the record privileges in Dynamics CRM. User-owned entities have 5 access levels (None, User, Business Unit, Parent: Child Business Units, Organization) while organization-owned entities have only two of those (Go/No Go). Then there are miscellaneous privileges and training documentation states that (highlight is mine): Each Security Role also includes miscellaneous […]
Tip #169: Update related records with a workflow
Ever wish you could use a workflow to update related/child records? For example, when I update the address on an account, update the address on all of the related contacts. You can, with the help of the very helpful CRM 2011 Distribute Workflow Activity assembly written by Alberto Gemin on Codeplex. While this says “CRM 2011” […]