Mini truck stop. Straight after visiting the CRM facebook group. Ankit Shah: CRM 2013 SP1 – is there a way that we can set the dialogue fields as required? Joel Lindström: Not exactly, but you can trick it with conditional logic. Have a check condition that checks if the field is populated, and if it […]
Tip #281: It all has to be SP1

If you upgrade from CRM 2013 to 2015, your CRM environment needs to be on 2013 SP1. ALL OF IT. So if you check your CRM server version and it is 6.1.X, you should be good, but what about the other components? What about the SSRS data connector? What about the email router? These items […]
Tip #269: Server Sync and View in CRM

Users have reported that after moving to Server Sync, CRM for Outlook no longer enables the View in CRM and Convert buttons for tracked activities. This is a known issue. The good news is Microsoft has recently published the KB article for Update Rollup 2 for CRM SP1, and this issue is slated to be […]
Tip #258: Say ‘negative’ to negative entitlements

If you started to explore enhancements to customer service functionality that came with 2013 SP1/Spring 2014 release, you know that entitlements can be an interesting and challenging beast to deal with. For example, consider a situation when allocation type is set to number of cases and you decrease remaining terms on case resolution. Nothing in […]
Tip #236: How to be a time[r] lord

Spring ’14/SP1 release has introduced a number of very exciting features to the customer service functionality of Dynamics CRM including Service Level Agrements and Entitlements. The decision also has been made to introduce Spießrutenlaufen, previously reserved for developers, to the customer service officers. Yes, I’m talking about timer control The other good news is that […]
Tip #205: Other Really Killer New Features Spring ’14
It’s the last day in the series of topic specific video posts for the Spring ’14 Dynamics CRM Online release. Today we have finish up with a collection of 6 different topics that I have grouped together. When you finish this set in the series give yourself the Spring ’14 Badge of Knowledge. Misc Items […]
Tip #204: Service and Cases New Features Spring ’14
It’s day number 4 and hopefully you have an invested one hour each day for the last 3 days getting up to speed on all the great new features in CRM Online. Today there are few more videos than the other days and they are a bit longer. Why? Because the Service Module got a […]
Tip #203: Geek Stuff New Features Spring ’14
If you are a coder or a wanna be Dynamics CRM Coder today’s videos for Dynamics CRM 2013 Spring ’14 release are for you. Its all code from here down. Configuration Migration Package Deployer Plugin Registration Tool Solutions Versions
Tip #202: Sandbox New Features Spring ’14
It is day #2 in the topic specific new feature videos for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Spring ’14. Today the videos are all about the Sandbox instances available online. Sanbox Instances Reset a Sandbox Instance Admin Mode Copy
Tip #201: Mobile App New Features Spring ’14
If you are still trying to figure out all the new features in the Spring ’14 release to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, join the crowd. It’s the old, drink from the fire hose challenge. So over the next 5 days I am going to post by topic links to new feature videos that the CRM […]