Tip #1258: Dynamic attribute names in Flow

A "build your own hot dog" blackboard in a cafe

You know who are the most relentless follow-uppers? Super Simple Flow users, that’s who. Thank you everyone for your answers to my previous question. I have a follow up question. Is it possible to get the value of an attribute off of an entity dynamically instead of declaratively? E.g. instead of blah?[0]?.fullname something like blah?[0]?[someattributenameIgotinapreviousstep] […]

Tip #1256: Get attribute of the first record from the list

Starting lanes on athletic field numbered 1 to 8

This is probably a super simple question, but I’m a super simple flow user. After listing records from D365 how would I go about retrieving an attribute value of the first result returned? Michael “Super Simple Flow User” Ochs I won’t name the person who suggested the following: Declare variables to store values. Include top […]

Tip #1244: CDS connector may not fire in administration mode

grayscale photo of woman doing silent hand sign

We did recommend using CDS Connector in Flow (more than once, actually) and most of the time it works great. However there have been some reports that CDS Connector does not trigger in the sandbox organizations while working fine in production. Turns out, there is a good explanation, straight from the source: With the new […]

Tip #1227: Use CDS instead of Dynamics 365 connector in Flow

A hand plugging a wire into a network router

People have been reporting that Dynamics 365 triggers in Flow are not consistent. Sometimes they fire twice, sometimes not at all, sometimes they fire after a manual test run. There are some other weird side-effects I did not even look into. Why? Because of one of them quick tips. Where possible, use Common Data Service […]