Tip #1138: Obtenga your Dynamics 365 trial dans la правильном Sprache


Dynamics 365 supports 43 base languages, and sometimes you need the right one for the trial. In theory, it’s as easy as 1-2-3: Un Clément “French but not Tanguy” Olivier was having no luck provisioning a trial instance in his langue maternelle: For a client demo, I had to create a new Trial instance (on […]

Tip #1135: For plugins, use SDK with the same or below the server version


Problem Another week, another challenge from Guido “Future Olive Farmer” Preite: I created a plugin for one Online instance (version,  I created a class library project with .NET 4.5.2 and with nuget I installed the Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies version I registered the plugin and I always get this error: Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, […]

Tip #1133: Rename the view that causes the drama

Scope viewer

Problem Guido “Future Olive Farmer” Preite was not having any luck importing a solution: This is the situation: Sandbox is, Production is From the sandbox we exported a solution as managed, when we import to production we get the following error: this solution package cannot be imported because it contains invalid xml… The […]

Tip #1127: Don’t update auto number field

Locked boxes with the engraved numbers

We did mentioned in the past that most of the good inventions are driven by the laziness. Auto numbering the new records is one of those. Instead of manually looking up the next available number, calling other users to see if they have any intention of creating a new record in the next few minutes, […]

Tip #1119: How is From resolved to Dynamics 365 record


Mini Truckstop Today we have a stop with two Vikings (different countries though): Jonas “The Shuffler” Rapp and Marius Agur Hagelund Lind Jonas – Question Recently we have found a new (?) problem at a customer, where emails are incorrectly “connected” to the wrong sender. By what rule/rules does Dynamics 365 chose which record to […]

Tip #1083: Don’t expire your passwords


Mini Truckstop Jonas “The Shuffler” Rapp fed us a perfect question for a security slam dunk. Really? (Jonas’s words, not mine) Yes, really. We’ve already mentioned the brilliant password guidance in our tip 1031. Since some folks seem to have missed the memo, here’s the quote from the guidance (highlights are mine – g.d.). Most […]

Tip #1081: Magic of managed solutions and sitemaps


The topic of managed solutions and sitemaps turned out to be so popular that a few trucks stopped by for the first Tipping Truckstop of 2018. tl;dr Before installing any managed solution, backup your sitemap. Because Managed solutions and sitemap are like magicians and their assistants: one distracts the audience, another one disappears. The story […]

Tip #987: Kill a few millions async jobs

Bring in Mr Wolf

When Jonas “Surströmming MkII” Rapp said that “someone should probably get fired”, he was careful to qualify the statement with “asking for a friend”. Sure, we’re here to help, friend or foe. Jonas Some integration job happened to touch fields that should not have been touched, and triggered a few async plugins a couple of […]

Tip #966: E-mail integration in team or department deployment


Joel has been producing tips by a truckload, I don’t think he’ll notice if I sneak this one in, especially when a fellow comrade developer David “Xrm.Tools” Yack is in pain. David Anyone have any suggestions for where let’s say a Team/Department gets CRM in their own subscription but their e-mail is still managed by […]

Tip #894: Alternate key, duplicate data, and solutions

Duplicate key

tl;dr If you have duplicate values present in a field, creating alternate key on that field will fail. However, when a solution that includes alternate key is imported into the deployment where duplicates are present, the import does not fail and completes with the warning indicating that alternate key was not created. Long story Not […]