Support of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 on Edge browser will be available for CRM 2015 with Update 0.2 (7.0.2) and Update 1.1 (7.1.1) in September. And the support of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 will be introduced in Update Rollup 4 for Service Pack 1 (6.1.4). There is a known issue with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 […]
Tip #451: Locking field in business rule can be tricky

Empowering users in Dynamics CRM is great but one needs to be prepared to troubleshoot adventures of a power user. If you have a rule that locks the field when certain conditions are met, beware what happens when this field is editable. That’s right, the last edit will be lost. Why? because locking the field […]
Tip #446: How to avoid overwriting audit and duplicate detection flags

tl;dr To avoid overwriting some of the system entities flags for the customers, manually remove those flags from the managed solution files. WARNING! Super-duper unsupported. Some juicy details If you are a Dynamics CRM ISV or an infrastructure group within a large enterprise then, most likely, you distribute one or more managed solutions to your […]
Tip #440: When package deployment fails, blame the internets

As you probably already know, Dynamics CRM has its own “installer” for the solutions, called Package Deployer. The package folder and assembly are usually distributed in the shape of a zip file that needs to be extracted and then used either with Package Deployer executable or installed using PowerShell. As documented. Usually it all goes […]
Tip #437: Should I create private notes in CRM?
Generally, no. Occasionally I will come across a requirement to allow for some CRM notes to be private and only readable by the person who creates them. In my opinion, this is generally a bad idea. In CRM 2013 and 2015, the user interface for notes does not allow users to open the note form. […]
Tip #435: Oldies but goodies
The Dynamics CRM team has done a great job of producing documentation for CRM 2015. The ebook and video library are top notch. But there are still some classic whitepapers that you should keep in your library. The following are my three favorite classic whitepapers that I still refer to on a regular basis: Offline […]
Tip #434: Recommended security for queues
CRM 2013 SP1 introduced private queues, but the private functionality only works correctly if your user security role permissions are set correctly. The recommended security role settings is: BU level read permission for queues Append To privileges for queues. If users still see other user’s queues or other queues that you don’t want them to, then set all […]
Tip #430: Read Only Users and CRM for Outlook
So you have users that have a read only/limited user access type. But you want to have them use CRM for Outlook to provide consistent user interface with your other users for consistency in your training and user documentation. The problem, however, is that the configuration wizard for CRM for Outlook requires write access to CRM […]
Tip #417: Cancel waiting instances in style
We have posted multiple times about waiting workflows, and one of the big challenges surrounding them is that when you update a workflow definition, there is no way to cancel the waiting instances of the workflow in bulk. Also, jobs may go into waiting state if there is a condition that prevents the step from […]
Tip #415: When deleting email enabled entities

If you remove a custom entity that is email enabled (allowing it to be selected as email recipient), you may run into the following issue after the entity is removed. When going to an account and selecting the “Activity” tab of the activity/social pane, the following error appears The trace log will reveal an error referencing the OTC […]