Tip #1038: Keep frequent notifications to the business hours


Nagging is a very effective way to get urgent things done. For example, if signature is required, keep sending email reminders every hour until it’s acquired. One of the customers successfully mastered the technique of a recurring self-calling workflow and has been successfully firing emails left and right reminding good people of the outstanding work […]

Tip #392: SLAs for dummies, Part 3: FAQ

SLA Troubleshooting Step 1

¡Yo, amigos! Our semi-permanent resident by now Pablo “CRMGamified” Peralta wraps up SLA thingabob he started in la primera parte and continued in la segunda parte. ¿How do we set our Business Hours? We can set our business schedule at Configuration > Service Management > Customer Service Schedule. Once there, click on “+New”, select your […]

Tip #390: SLAs for dummies, Part 2: SLA

SLA Definition

¡Hola, amigos! Our good friend Pablo “CRMGamified” Peralta continues about all SLA things he started in la primera parte. ¿How is the SLA applied? We will see an “SLA Details” section where we can set SLA Items, each of their conditions, associated KPIs, and Alert or Failure actions to take whether set service levels are […]

Tip #387: SLAs for dummies, Part 1: Fields

Nuevo SLA

¡Como estas amigos! Our good friend Pablo “CRMGamified” Peralta takes the podium again with another pepita de oro! What does each field in my SLA configuration mean? (To create new SLA: Configuration > Service > Management > Service Level Agreements: +New) Name: Basically, a descriptive name for our SLA, i.e. “Service Level for VIP Clients”. […]

Tip #258: Say ‘negative’ to negative entitlements

Negative entitlement terms

If you started to explore enhancements to customer service functionality that came with 2013 SP1/Spring 2014 release, you know that entitlements can be an interesting and challenging beast to deal with. For example, consider a situation when allocation type is set to number of cases and you decrease remaining terms on case resolution. Nothing in […]