Tip #398: Careful with those .js libraries

After denting his table, Mehmet “Sputnik” Ozdemir finally decided to use his call-a-friend card. The problem? After attaching this trivial piece of script to the birthday field one would reasonably expect to select a date and see that selected value (+local time) popping up in a box. Instead, the returned value was null. Sometimes but […]

Tip #324: Open a record using just ID

Open CRM record using console

Joel recently has explained how to find a record using id. Cute, very cute. Text editors. What’s next, vim? Want to be a real developer? Repeat after me: Open CRM in IE Press F12 Click Console tab Type Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm(“entity name”,”record GUID”) Press <Enter> and behold Is this hands down the best method? Let’s see what […]

Tip #288: Remove event handlers Texas style

Today’s developer productivity tip comes from Mitch “Texas Baby Oil” Milam. The fastest way to remove all of the Event Handlers from a form is to remove the JavaScript Library or Libraries associated with the form. Removing the library will also remove any event handlers (OnLoad, OnSave, OnChange, etc.) that have been associated with that […]

Tip #192: Defensive script writing

Event Handler Dependencies

(Today’s tip is actually two-in-one but we’ll get to that.) Over the years as a CRM jackofalltrades I learned that to create truly reusable, bug-free and resilient systems is very important to write your scripts as if the next team member, who comes after you, dedicated their entire career to destroying your life’s work. Consider […]

Tip #119: Help me – help you

Dialog: Microsoft Dynamics CRM has encountered an error

When CRM users see the infamous Microsoft Dynamics CRM has encountered an error dialog, they often select the option to send error report and honestly believe that system administrators, support, developers, all of the above will be getting a copy of the report that contains exact steps how to solve the problem. Explain to your […]