Tip #1321: Formatting currency values in Power Apps portals

Dollars are dollars are dollars. Until they’re not. I’ve been working on the portal implementation where pricing can look like this: Forms seem to be fine but any custom layout, uhm, is suddenly very challenging. I can get values without any issues but can’t format them for display. Before long, an SOS is sent: Folks, […]

Tip #1298: Quickest way to filter views and forms in an app

Two hands holding a variety of colorful vegetables

Today’s tip from Linda Connolly – thanks! You can send your tip to jar@crmtipoftheday.com too! I spotted this one when doing some work earlier in the week.  If you’re building a business unit specific solution for a customer and want to quickly and easily only show them the views/forms designed for them, add the Site […]

Tip #883: Exporting filtered lists to Excel from subgrids

In CRM 2013 – Dynamics 365, subgrids do not have the “Export to Excel” button, but you can click the “pop out” button on the subgrid to open the full associated view, from where you can export to Excel. However, what if your subgrid is filtered by a different view? Let’s say you have 20 […]

Tip #477: Exporting marketing list members to dynamic spreadsheets

One thing you may notice when on a marketing list record, the Export to Excel button doesn’t give you as many options as you are used to when you click it from the marketing list members view. No Excel Online option or Dynamic Worksheet. Does this mean that it can’t be done? Not necessarily, just not in […]