Access blob metadata in two steps: get SAS URL then HTTP request: HEAD to read or PUT to write.
Accessing blob tags is not that easy but get your SAS key that allows tag manipulation elsewhere then come back and finish the job.
Access blob metadata in two steps: get SAS URL then HTTP request: HEAD to read or PUT to write.
Accessing blob tags is not that easy but get your SAS key that allows tag manipulation elsewhere then come back and finish the job.
Rapid release cadence is great when it comes to innovation, bug fixes, and new features. One thing it’s not very good for is the documentation. It’s virtually impossible to keep one up to date. Take, for example provisioning Azure AD B2C and configuring Power Apps portals to use it. Documentation talks about Metadata endpoint for […]
Today’s tip comes from Daryl “Always Raising” LaBar. (And you can submit your tips too by emailing them to jar@crmtipoftheday.com.) I was having issues downloading the OData Metadata from the Developer Resources for a particular CRM Instance. I’d click the “Download OData Metadata” and get a generic CRM Error: An underhanded exception has occurred. After […]
Even the best of us are still finding their footing with new shiny CRM Web API. Tipsters to the rescue in another mini truck stop. Andrii “Granny’s Moonshine” Butenko was wondering what is the best way to fetch Global OptionSets using Web API (from now on apiendpoint == https://orgname.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.0): I can get all global optionsets […]
Le jeu. 26 févr. 2015 à 17:08, Tanguy “XRM Toolbox Wizard” Touzard a écrit : Are Metadata Query Expressions faster that using RetrieveEntityRequest? I mean, you can retrieve less data but the query might be more complicated than just a RetrieveEntity. Few people responded and some even took a stab at it guessing that it’ll […]
Another mini truck stop. Subject is somewhat eye-glazing – metadata – but, hey, what do you expect when you put some of the bestest CRM development minds together. Today’s Roles The Questioner: Daniel “King of soft” Cai The Answerer: Jim “Mr SDK” Daly The Story T.Q. The issue is, when using SDK to retrieve the […]
If you have a user who does not see the latest customization changes in the CRM tablet app, check the last time that the user’s tablet app synced customization changes. Click the options (…) button in the lower right corner, click “Settings,” then “About.” The “About” screen gives some useful information, such as the app […]