Tip #732: Knowledge Management is disabled for custom entities

Knowledge not found

When creating new entity, follow step-by-step instructions and you’ll be fine. Except if you want to enable the entity for Knowledge Management later on, you’ll find the relevant checkbox disabled. What the? To work around this behavior (that looks suspiciously like a bug), open Settings > Service Management > Embedded Knowledge Search, check the box […]

Tip #670: If activities disappear, take this pill

Magic disappearance

We’ve had one of the users reporting a really bizarre issue – all his activities have simply disappeared from CRM. The user was synchronizing with Outlook and activities are still present in the mailbox with Regarding field empty. Thanks to Adam “Human Bing” Vero, the behavior is no longer a mystery but rather an annoying […]

Tip #556: Rumors about Microsoft.Xrm.Client death are exaggerated

Update 18-Nov-2016: Bugs reported have been fixed and there are no compelling reasons (beyond the support of the existing codebase) to continue use of Microsoft.Xrm.Client. One thing you’d notice about Dynamics CRM 2016 SDK is that some of the assemblies has gone MIA. For example, Microsoft.Xrm.Client, a home to some useful developers extensions, including a […]