Tip #1040: Why Can We Stack Values in Workflow?

Back in the days when George Doubinski used configuration, he talked about using constants in workflows.However, this is only the tip of the configuration iceberg. Just above our Default Value box we can stack values for insertion into our field. What does it mean to stack the values and what happens when we do? When […]

Tip #987: Kill a few millions async jobs

Bring in Mr Wolf

When Jonas “Surströmming MkII” Rapp said that “someone should probably get fired”, he was careful to qualify the statement with “asking for a friend”. Sure, we’re here to help, friend or foe. Jonas Some integration job happened to touch fields that should not have been touched, and triggered a few async plugins a couple of […]

Tip #886: Scratch the Surface – new age workflow


For years we’ve been whining about the workflow editor and rightly so. Can’t indent, can’t reorder, can’t copy, can’t paste. So many good man-hours lost in the battle against corrupted workflows… Every release we’ve been hoping for something better but to no avail. I suspect that the upcoming spring-make-it-late-summer release may too leave the workflow […]