Tip #1332: Open forms as a dialogs in model-driven apps

Child reading a pop up book

Today’s tip comes from Eric Regnier. You can send your tips to jar@crmtipoftheday.com. One of the small but awesome new features in 2020 Wave 1 are the modal dialogs. In many implementations, common feedback we hear from customers is around UX with too many clicks or navigation between screens. With this new feature, it enhances […]

Tip #1323: Kill the case customer field

The “Customer” field on cases is a bad idea, and you can’t change it to not-required. I just want to add a lookup to accounts and automatically populate the customer field. Anonymous reader “Meve Stordue” You can’t make the customer field non-required, but it is possible to replace it with an account lookup and automatically […]

Tip #1321: Formatting currency values in Power Apps portals

Dollars are dollars are dollars. Until they’re not. I’ve been working on the portal implementation where pricing can look like this: Forms seem to be fine but any custom layout, uhm, is suddenly very challenging. I can get values without any issues but can’t format them for display. Before long, an SOS is sent: Folks, […]

Tip #1307: PowerApps designer makes your work in progress easier

Monitor on a busy desk with the words "Do More" on the screen

Today’s tip is from EY Kalman. Got a tip? Send it to jar@crmtipoftheday.com (and include either your Twitter handle or LinkedIn profile link for the eternal appreciation link). Late last night I decided to start playing around with entering the data fields directly into the entity first (the aim is to drive a Model App […]