Tip #966: E-mail integration in team or department deployment

MailboxesJoel has been producing tips by a truckload, I don’t think he’ll notice if I sneak this one in, especially when a fellow comrade developer David “Xrm.Tools” Yack is in pain.


Anyone have any suggestions for where let’s say a Team/Department gets CRM in their own subscription but their e-mail is still managed by a their corporate email server totally outside of the CRM subscription and their control.

They would like to have some of the goodness of e-mail integration with Dynamics 365, but have no ability to influence the corporate email strategy.

Any creative suggestions?


I have done that exact scenario with a forward mailbox. If the forward mailbox is on the domain and the email address of the forwarded email matches the address on a queue or user, the emails can be created in CRM.

Tîpp Jäår

Joel has written about forward mailbox many moons ago, worth another read.

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