Tip #1430: Add Power Automate flows into solution like a boss

You didn’t think I was waffling about replacing triggers in Power Automate flows for no reason, did you? Not once but twice, in fact. The technique of painlessly replacing triggers is more like a kata before you master the art of breaking bricks with your head 🧱🤕. Enter the world of solutions where nine out […]

Tip #1269: Oh crap, I lost my app

person's hand over brown floral field during daytime

So you decide to “refresh” your development environment with a copy of your production environment, but too late you discover that copying an environment over another one makes canvas apps and flows created in that environment go away. What should you do? Other than kicking yourself for not remembering to back up your app and […]

Tip #886: Scratch the Surface – new age workflow


For years we’ve been whining about the workflow editor and rightly so. Can’t indent, can’t reorder, can’t copy, can’t paste. So many good man-hours lost in the battle against corrupted workflows… Every release we’ve been hoping for something better but to no avail. I suspect that the upcoming spring-make-it-late-summer release may too leave the workflow […]

Tip #637: Tipster guide to Microsoft Flow – codeless integration between CRM and other apps

Friday Flow

Apparently, for people who like bending their joints backward, Friday Flow is a thing. We’ve decided to join the bandwagon and in today’s video we will show you how to create a basic workflow between SharePoint and CRM using Microsoft Flow. Flow is a cloud service, currently in preview, that allow you to create automated […]