Tip #1385: Can not see environment

Shanghai covered in smog

The administrator gave me a role in a Power Platform/Dynamics 365 environment, but I cannot see that environment in the environment selector from make.powerapps.com or the Power Platform Admin Center. Lots of people lately So if you cannot reach an environment after being granted access to it, I’ve discovered the following seemingly fool-proof method of […]

Tip #1351: Flows not triggering after environment copy

Today’s tip from Ankita Chavan – a good reminder to get your housekeeping in order while copying the environments. Got a tip of your own? Send it to jar@crmtipoftheday.com! We were working on the full copy of data from UAT Environment to dev Environment and we were testing existing functionality. We found that flow was […]

Tip #1285: Dynamics Divorce

A marriage certificate paper being cut in two by scissors

We are selling part of our business and want to split our environment into a separate environment and move to another D365 tenant. How do I do that? splitting up Recommendations Here’s my recommendation for splitting on environment into two: Identify the customer and related records that are shared by both groups. These are the […]