I would like to see my sales team’s appointments on the same calendar. Should I change my appointment sync rule to get all appointments for my team synchronized to my calendar? No. Don’t do it. That is a sure-fire way to make your Outlook calendar unusable. You won’t know what is your appointment, vs. your […]
Tip #735: You can now use timezone in your appointments
Sometimes it’s ridiculously trivial bugs that get in the way of implementing great functionality. Luckily, sometimes they get fixed. Gustaf “Surströmming” Westerlund reports from the field. In earlier versions of CRM (I have tested it in CRM 2013 SP1) if you added a whole number field on appointment and formatted it as a timezone, you […]
Tip #491: If your appointment is disabled on mobile
Stop the presses! Scott “Captain Redlaces” Sewell, in his relentless pursuit of, er, hm, ugh, perfect CRM, has solved another mystery surrounding the world of mobility. tl;dr Appointments in scheduled state appear as read-only on mobile devices. Did read I’m sure you’re disappointed with the length of the tip, just as I am, so here’s […]