Tip #1294: Export solution before running solution checker

Export Excellence Award

tl;dr If you are getting “Couldn’t Complete” message from the solution checker, verify you can export the solution before running the solution checker. That way you’ll be able to see what’s wrong instead of an unhelpful “couldn’t complete” message. Today’s tip is from Andrew Wolfe. Got a tip? Send it to jar@crmtipoftheday.com. Tip I created […]

Tip #192: Defensive script writing

Event Handler Dependencies

(Today’s tip is actually two-in-one but we’ll get to that.) Over the years as a CRM jackofalltrades I learned that to create truly reusable, bug-free and resilient systems is very important to write your scripts as if the next team member, who comes after you, dedicated their entire career to destroying your life’s work. Consider […]