Tip #994: Compare two security rules

Steve “kick the hornet’s nest” Mordue asks: Does anyone know of a tool for comparing two security roles easily? Good news Steve. There’s a Yack for that. David Yack’s fantastic Xrm.Tools has a security role explorer that allows you to easily compare two Dynamics 365 security roles, identify what is unique to each role, and […]

Tip #770: Power to the users and developers with Chrome extension

Shoot yourself in a foot

If you are developer or power user, and don’t mind shooting yourself in a foot, check out Chrome Extension for Dynamics CRM Power users, available as a Chrome extension or as a birthday suit a.k.a. source code. Just some of our favorite features: God Mode. Makes all mandatory fields optional. Makes hidden fields/tabs/sections visible. Makes […]

Tip #405: Convert Your SQL To FetchXML The Easy Way (or Cai)

Kingswaysoft has recently updated their SQL2Fetch Convertor Let’s say you are moving from CRM On premises to CRM Online and you want to update your reports to work with CRM Online, you can take the SQL query from your report, paste it in the SQL box and click the “convert” button to generate FetchXML. This […]