Tip #1089: User Delete Privileges Stretch Further Than You Think

This one was discovered by my KPMG partners in crime Fiona Whiteing and Jijeesh Kunhiraman on a recent project. As you may know, for a record such as a Contact, if I own the record, I can see the child Activities whether my security role gives me permission or not. I do not know if […]

Tip #670: If activities disappear, take this pill

Magic disappearance

We’ve had one of the users reporting a really bizarre issue – all his activities have simply disappeared from CRM. The user was synchronizing with Outlook and activities are still present in the mailbox with Regarding field empty. Thanks to Adam “Human Bing” Vero, the behavior is no longer a mystery but rather an annoying […]

Tip #616: Duplicate activities in Outlook with Server-Side-Synchronization

If you use server-side synchronization and start seeing duplicate activities, such as tasks, inside of Outlook, that can sometimes happen if your mailbox is configured for server-side synchronization in multiple CRM organizations: During deployment, if you configure server side synchronization in UAT and then again in prod, without first disabling it in the first environment. The recommendation […]

Tip #95: Track emails using Forward Mailbox

CRM MVP Jukka Niiranen recently posted a great post covering the difference between activity tracking and synchronization in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This is a frequently misunderstood topic, and Jukka does a fantastic job of explaining how tracking from Outlook gets the email into CRM, and synchronization updates activities automatically once the activities are in CRM. So if […]