Want to count all records in all Dataverse tables like a boss? Say no mo. Make sure TDS endpoint is enabled using Manage feature settings. Connect to your Dataverse as described in Use SQL to query data (Microsoft Dataverse) We cannot use some of the features including loops (see How Dataverse SQL Differs from Transact-SQL) […]
Tip #1270: Table or view is not full-text indexed
Today’s tip is from Marius Agur Hagelund “Viking” Lind (actually, I’m confused, perhaps it’s Marius “Viking” Agur Hagelund Lind?). Got a tip of your own? Send it to jar@crmtipoftheday.com. Cannot use CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table or indexed view because it is not full-text indexed Mean SQL Server If you’ve ever got this error […]
Tip #447: To filter or not to filter – functional view
This seems to be the week of unsupported tips. I know, we said it before: Swim between the flags, and Use filtered views even if you use stored procedures. But what do you do if this particular report’s query is a monstrosity, adding custom indexes don’t help, and any attempt to restructure it just makes […]
Tip #405: Convert Your SQL To FetchXML The Easy Way (or Cai)
Kingswaysoft has recently updated their SQL2Fetch Convertor Let’s say you are moving from CRM On premises to CRM Online and you want to update your reports to work with CRM Online, you can take the SQL query from your report, paste it in the SQL box and click the “convert” button to generate FetchXML. This […]
Tip #171: If email router is having a slow day or how to add custom index
Sometimes things are slow. Very. Slow. So slow that your email router starts spitting dreadful messages: #9628 – An error occurred while delivering the e-mail message with subject “None of your business” in mailbox foo@bar.baz for delivery to https://crm.bar.baz. System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1 [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: SQL timeout expired. (Fault Detail is equal to Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault). If you are on CRM […]