Today’s tip comes from Daryl “Always Raising” LaBar. (And you can submit your tips too by emailing them to
I recently had the issue described here when publishing customizations. It results in the error message “There was an error calculating dependencies for this component. Missing component id {0}.”
In case anyone hits this error… it was due to the CustomControlDefaultConfig having a PrimaryEntityTypeCode that did not exist in the importing solution.
Before importing the solution, comment the following section out of the customization.xml:
<CustomControlDefaultConfig> <PrimaryEntityTypeCode> 10062 </PrimaryEntityTypeCode> <CustomControlDefaultConfigId> {fd3352f1-08a5-e611-80e4-fc15b4286cb8} </CustomControlDefaultConfigId> <ControlDescriptionXML> <controlDescriptions /> </ControlDescriptionXML> <IntroducedVersion> </IntroducedVersion> </CustomControlDefaultConfig>
Or if you have orphan custom control records in your database (and are on premises), you may have to execute this type of SQL:
--*************************** --* TEMPLATE VERSION --* Created on: 2017.04.04 --* Created By: begarza --* LI/SR: 117040315545074 --* DESC: Clean up orphan records from --* the CustomControlDefaultConfigbase --* table --* --* REVIEW/APPROVAL --* - RUN/CSS Team: sasing --* - DEV Team: no need (org DB only) --*************************** BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRAN t1 -- Checking if we are on the right Org Declare @OrgId as Uniqueidentifier Set @OrgId = '$(Orgid)' select * from Organizationbase ob (nolock) where ob.OrganizationId = @OrgId If @@ROWCOUNT <> 1 THROW 55000, 'OrganizationId does not match!',1; -- Remove Orphan records from the -- CustomControlDefaultConfigbase table delete from CustomControlDefaultConfigBase where PrimaryEntityTypeCode = 10062 COMMIT TRAN t1 PRINT 'EXECUTION SUCCEED' END TRY BEGIN CATCH ROLLBACK TRAN t1 PRINT 'EXECUTION FAILED :' + ERROR_MESSAGE() END CATCH