Tip #634: How to modify recurrent bulk deletion system jobs

On heavy production systems bulk deletion jobs should be scheduled outside of the peak activity window. Unless you’re dealing with 24×7 global monstrosity, scheduling them outside normal working hours would do the trick.

There are handful of system jobs that are created for you when CRM organization is provisioned. You can guess what their start time is going to be – when you provisioned the organization – and that probably will be during the day.

How to modify the start time and, for those feeling extremely adventurous, the recurrence? Just follow instructions in CRM Help & Training Center:

Select the bulk-deletion job, and then on the Actions menu, choose Modify Recurrence

Wait a minute! Where ARE those recurring jobs? All I can see is the list of completed jobs even though I selected All Bulk Deletion System Jobs view?!
All Bulk Deletion System Jobs

All does not mean all in this case, it means “all except those you actually want to see”. Change your view to Recurrent Bulk Deletion System Jobs and now you’ll be able to see the recurrent jobs.
Recurrent Bulk Deletion System Jobs

Now you can follow the instructions from the help center to clean up your mess CRM when nobody’s watching.

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