Tip #1151: Name that web client

With so many upcoming and constantly changing features in the world of Dynamics 365/CRM, it’s no wonder that even the best of us are getting confused when it comes to naming things.

Regardless of what interface is chosen, it all looks like a web client Mark “Globetrotting Kiwi” Smith:

Currently what I hear used is Unified Interface or UCI is for the new interface and the old interface is the Web Client.  This seems strange to me as both interface still run in a web client or am I missing something?

Ask and you shall receive. Clarification came from Shilpa Sinha, Principal PM at Microsoft:

Unified Interface is the external name for the new interface and we are referring to the old interface as Classic UI.

So here you go, folks, they are both web clients but if anyone asks, it’s a new, exciting, and highly performant Unified Interface vs fully-featured but at some point becoming thing of the past Classic UI. As we know, classic stuff is perpetually in vogue with some people and, as with any antiques, it will get very expensive with time.

(Facebook and Twitter cover photo by Adrian Korte on Unsplash)

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