Tip #766: Drop your full text index the supported way

As reported in the Dynamics forum, there are known issues with upgrading CRM On Premises to CRM 2016 SP1 if you have full-text indexing enabled. You will get the following error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot drop index ‘cndx_PrimaryKey_OpportunityProduct’ because it enforces the full-text key for table or indexed view ‘OpportunityProductBase’. Various posts include SQL scripts to remove […]

Tip #422: Search faster by searching less

Ultimate search

I’d like to be able to search contacts by first name and last name. And middle name. And birthday. And employee id. While you’re at it, add spouse name, comments, city, country, phone number (all of them) and freight terms. So, what a smart CRM consultant to do? Open Quick Find Active Contacts view and […]