Tip #987: Kill a few millions async jobs

Bring in Mr Wolf

When Jonas “Surströmming MkII” Rapp said that “someone should probably get fired”, he was careful to qualify the statement with “asking for a friend”. Sure, we’re here to help, friend or foe. Jonas Some integration job happened to touch fields that should not have been touched, and triggered a few async plugins a couple of […]

Tip #417: Cancel waiting instances in style

We have posted multiple times about waiting workflows, and one of the big challenges surrounding them is that when you update a workflow definition, there is no way to cancel the waiting instances of the workflow in bulk. Also, jobs may go into waiting state if there is a condition that prevents the step from […]

Tip #93: When to cancel workflow

When a workflow needs to be stopped, workflow editor offers two choices: Succeeded and Canceled. The main difference is that Canceled status is considered to be an error which has the following implications: Log records are retained (if flag is set to retain logs for failed workflows). For real-time workflows the transaction the workflow is […]