Tip #823: Custom Action editor wipes out parameter list


Love the tips sent to a jar@crmtipoftheday.com – always something new! Today, Elliott Hulburd unmasks a truly unpleasant bug in custom action a.k.a workflow editor that could literally cost you hours of trying to figure out why suddenly all your calls to a custom action fail. When working with Custom Actions in CRM 2016 recently, […]

Tip #736: Add variables to your workflows

Workflows rule. They can wait until there is $10,000,000 in your bank account or forever (whichever happens first), they can update records, send emails and synchronously move mountains (subject to the 2 minutes timeout, and only if the mountain is referenced by a DNS-resolvable name). They can be quite complicated and often won’t fit on […]

Tip #731: Hide and protect your custom CRM API

Protect yourself by covering

Yesterday we illustrated how you can wrap some server-side functionality as a custom API to be consumed by the developers. One of the undesired side effects is that business can now poke their nose into the API when building workflow processes: If your API is a smoking gun and you don’t want business to accidentally […]

Tip #730: Turn your CRM into API machine

Locked black box

When people ask me to describe the differences between custom workflow activities and custom actions, I always use the following definitions: Custom workflow activities. A functional blackbox created by the developers to be consumed by the business Custom activity. A functional blackbox created by the business to be consumed by the developers There is more […]