Country fields in D365 are text fields. The reason they are text fields is that that’s how it works in Outlook, and since addresses for contacts in OUtlook synchronize with D365, they are text fields in D365. Many companies that use CRM have replaced the country and state fields with option sets or lookup fields; […]
Tip #645: Name that address
If you want to take advantage of an obscure Lookup Address feature when dealing with quotes or orders, you will find that the address lookup on that dialog looks very strange: first line is blank followed by the zip/postal code and city. In addition, how do you add multiple addresses to a customer record in […]
Tip #23: Swap Customer Addresses
In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, the contact and account entity form display the first two addresses for the customer, and by default, addresses 3 and greater are displayed in the address link on the navigation bar (AKA more addresses). Consider this scenario: you are a wealth management company, and some of your clients are retired “snowbirds” […]