In this video tip we talk about the differences between how Dynamics 365 for Tablets and Dynamics 365 for Phones navigationally swipe. Since the phone app does not include any animation when users swipe, some users have the perception that the swipe isn’t working or the app is unresponsive, then they leave negative reviews. In this video we show you the right way to swipe.

Hi guys, just letting you know that our online instance has just been upgraded to which gives a massive performance boost on the phone app. It is now working as it should without having to be patient when swiping 🙂
Make sure to publish customisation and prepare client customisations, then download the updates on the mobile app.
Thanks Simon–will look for this
Thanks Simon. We have a customer with the same problem. Slow swiping in the iPhone client. The Android client is fine. The answer in the video of be patient isn’t going to work.
I’ve to this logged with MS, our customer is on, MS said the .185 upgrade will fix this and we just need to wait for it to happen. Thank you for sharing that the update has worked as opposed to just taking MS word for it
[…] It has been built with Accessibility in mind from the ground up – meaning multiple devices can access the same interface. Also – with the Phone App, you will now be able to swipe Right-to-Left which was commonly highlighted! […]