This seems to be the week of unsupported tips. I know, we said it before: Swim between the flags, and Use filtered views even if you use stored procedures.
But what do you do if this particular report’s query is a monstrosity, adding custom indexes don’t help, and any attempt to restructure it just makes it worse? Sounds familiar?
Consider this simple pre-filtered SQL that returns us all invoiced and delivered line items in the last financial year:
declare @fromutc datetime, @toutc datetime select @fromutc = dbo.fn_LocalTimeToUTC('1-jul-2014'), @toutc = dbo.fn_LocalTimeToUTC('1-jul-2015') select CRMAF_FilteredContact.contactid, CRMAF_FilteredContact.fullname, i.datedelivered,, id.actualdeliveryon, id.baseamount,, id.extendedamount from FilteredContact as CRMAF_FilteredContact inner join FilteredInvoice i on CRMAF_FilteredContact.contactid = i.contactid inner join FilteredInvoiceDetail id on id.invoiceid = i.invoiceid where id.actualdeliveryonutc between @fromutc and @toutc
If everything else fails (including scheduling the report overnight), my last resort is to isolate some of the views into a separate function and, gulp, replace the filtered views with the base views. In the case above, that could be something like that:
create function [dbo].[OutsideTheFlags] (@fromutc datetime, @toutc datetime) returns table as return ( select i.ContactId, i.datedelivered,, id.actualdeliveryon, id.baseamount,, id.extendedamount from Invoice i inner join InvoiceDetail id on id.invoiceid = i.invoiceid where id.actualdeliveryon between @fromutc and @toutc ) GO -- This is important. Otherwise won't run GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[OutsideTheFlags] TO [DOMAIN\ReportingGroup {GUID}] GO
and then the reporting query becomes:
declare @fromutc datetime, @toutc datetime select @fromutc = dbo.fn_LocalTimeToUTC('1-jul-2014'), @toutc = dbo.fn_LocalTimeToUTC('1-jul-2015') select CRMAF_FilteredContact.contactid, CRMAF_FilteredContact.fullname, i.datedelivered,, i.actualdeliveryon, i.baseamount,, i.extendedamount from FilteredContact as CRMAF_FilteredContact inner join dbo.OutsideTheFlags(@fromutc, @toutc) i on CRMAF_FilteredContact.contactid = i.contactid
Original query: 1.9 sec, new one: 0.2 sec, 900%+ improvement. YMMV, of course. (And, yes, I cheated, times still need to be converted to local)
When performing this unsupported gymnastics, be very, very careful: you’ll lose lookups and optionsets expansion, the dates will be UTC-only, etc. Not to mention that the above gives blanket access to all invoices for all users. Test, test, and test.
The usual disclaimer: use at your own risk, contains small parts, choking hazard, swim between the flags. Not tested on animals, or children. Good luck making it work for CRM Online.
I like these kind of tips. And I know, you guys like the German word Spießrutenlaufen. We would use the following disclaimer here:
Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen fragen Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker.
If you are coming to CRMUG Summit this year, please stop by and say hello to your Apothekers. CRM Medics are all in white, but if you need some serious brain surgery, look for the guy in scrubs!