Tip #261: Deleted tasks

If you use CRM for Outlook and synchronize tasks with Outlook from CRM, what happens when a user deletes a task in Outlook?

  • If the user is the owner and the task is not completed, the task is deleted from CRM when the task is deleted in Outlook.
  • If the user is the owner and the task is completed, the task is not deleted from CRM when the task is deleted in Outlook.

This means that your users may actually be doing the task and deleting it from their Outlook task list, which will make the task get deleted in CRM. My experience is that many people delete the task from the Outlook task list rather than “completing” it, because the task list looks untidy with a bunch of crossed out tasks on it.

This becomes an issue if you are using activity completion to gauge user adoption or want to preserve the history of tasks in CRM. If you are incentivizing your employees based on task completion, and the tasks are being deleted in CRM by the user deleting the task from his Outlook task list, your reports may be incorrect.

Train users to always complete tasks, and if it remains a problem, consider removing “delete” privileges for activities.

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