Tip #102: Replace the first things first woman

For today’s tip we are going to revisit our most popular tip to date — #68: Do you know this woman?

What if you don’t want to get rid of First Things First woman, but rather you would like to replace her with alternative versions? One thing we like to do is replace her with seasonally appropriate variations. It really makes your CRM environment seem more festive.

First thing first, obligatory note that this is totally unsupported, contains small parts, not suitable for children and only works for On Premise deployments.

  1. Locate the image files for the First Things First wizard. They are typically located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb\_imgs\NavTour\NavTourContent.
  2. There are multiple images for the wizard, the main images are NavTourPage1Back.jpg opening the tour with NavTourPage7Back.jpg wrapping up the parade.
  3. Edit the image to create seasonally appropriate variation.
  4. Save in the same location with the same file name, being sure to back up the original first.

To get you started, we have included some variations for our favorite holidays.





September 19--International Talk Like A Pirate Day

September 19–International Talk Like A Pirate Day

Election Day

Election Day

The other cheerful variation is manipulation of the last image in series to create a reward scheme for persistent users who actually do go through the tour. Include cut-out sales coupons or simply include posters from your favorite shows and movies. Few samples to get you started:

JCPenney Coupon

JCPenney Coupon

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

Sponge Bob

Sponge Bob

The Regular Show

The Regular Show

Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction

Noitcif Plup (RTL Version)

Noitcif Plup (RTL Version)

And while you are at it, why wouldn’t you swap over the contents of en-US and ar-SA folders under C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb\_imgs\NavTour\NavTourContent. Then curious English-speaking users who decide to take up the tour will see what does RTL world look like (and, yes, the tour is delivered as a series of animated GIFs):

RTL Dynamics CRM Tour

Dynamics CRM Tipper
The Custodians of The Tipping Jar, bringing you tips by a truckload

4 thoughts on “Tip #102: Replace the first things first woman

  1. Brilliant! Best tip yet!

  2. Guido Vrijdag says:

    Why should we do this?
    Just because we can!!! Lol!


  3. Julien says:

    Great post !

    This the main functionnality of CRM 2013 ! 😉

  4. Greg says:

    Thanks a lot for this one 🙂
    Is there an easy way to change the text too ? I’d like to put a something like a “patch note” instead of the existing.

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