Tip #740: How to flush cache in portal

Repair computer

If you are still trying to refresh your portal metadata using cache invalidation handle https://nottherealportal.microsoftcrmportals.com/Cache.axd?Message=InvalidateAll, stop it. The caching invalidation mechanism significantly changed and the legacy methods are no longer appropriate or supported. Instead, remember the advice you gave your auntie when her computer was slow? That’s right, turn it off and then back on. […]

Tip #666: Don’t break the law with the portals

Don't be evil by sending promotional SMS

I rarely read terms of service but something jumped at me when trying to install the portal solution: The license terms for the Online Service apply to your use of this supplement, except as follows: Customer is explicitly prohibited from using the supplement to design and transmit promotional SMS messages either via the Twilio integration […]